Are Workers in the Cultural Industries Paid Differently?

ABSTRACT: This article aims to explore wage differentials between employees in three sub-industries of the cultural industries compared with the main (1-digit level) industry to which they belong. We use data from the Wage Indicator Questionnaire 2001/2002, which includes information on 12,757 employees in the Netherlands. We find that workers in these particular sub-industries of the cultural industries are paid differently compared with their respective main industries. Workers in entertainment and publishing and printing (P&P) are less endowed with standard labour market characteristics. However, whereas workers in entertainment face negative price or evaluation-related effects, the opposite holds for workers in P&P. Workers in IT are more endowed with standard labour market characteristics, but they receive lower rewards for their labour market characteristics.

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Wetzels, C. (2008) Are Workers in the Cultural Industries Paid Differently? Wage Differentials between Three Sub-industries of the Cultural Industries and Their Respective Main Industry: The Case of the Netherlands. Journal of Cultural Economics, 32, 1, pp. 59-77 (EN)

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